Monday, December 5, 2011

Textbook Question #6

This question can be found on page 214 of your textbook.

6. Write each addition statement shown by the fraction strips. Estimate the answer, then add.*

To answer these question correctly you have to add these fractions properly.  You add the numerators together. Do not add the denominators together.

eg. Right:one half + one half = two halves or one whole.
    Wrong:one half + one half ≠ two fourths.




*I didn't show my estimating because I felt that you don't really need to. Also, I didn't understand what the textbook meant by estimating the answer.


  1. Great job! Your post was awesome! I liked how you added pictures, it really helped. I also liked how you added colour to make words stand out. Great job!

  2. Nice post! Can you help me on my posts I need them to be better.

  3. This was a helpful answer Angela. Good job. Now I know how to this on a test.
