Monday, December 5, 2011

Page 214, #8.

Write each addition statement shown by the diagrams. Then add. Write the answer in lowest terms.

What this is saying is to add both of the pictures up. But don't add the denominator.

Then you have to find a way to make the fraction into the lowest terms you can put it in to.

e.g. 2  in lowest terms is 1
......-- ............................--
......4 ............................2
Now I will answer the questions.
A) ..2...1....3
......-- + -- = --   Three-fourths in lowest terms is.. Three-fourths...
 ......4....4.. 4

B) ...5....1....6
.......-- + -- = --     Six-Eighths in lowest terms is.. Three-fourths...

C) ...4...3....7
..... -- + -- = --      Seven Tenths in lowest terms is..  Seven-Tenths...

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