In mathematics, the lowest common denominator or least common denominator (abbreviated LCD) is the least common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractionswithout the same. It is the smallest multiple of the denominators.
Here is a website you can go to, to play games about fractions, percents and decimals.
I like all your information, but it would have been nicer if you made your picture larger.
ReplyDeleteGood Job Cheyanne!
ReplyDeleteI like your picture and definitions, but maybe next time you should made the picture larger.
Good job Cheyanne. Now I know how to do L.C.M.. The information and steps you did was good.
ReplyDeleteNice post, Cheyanne! The information was all right. I agree with Pamela, maybe next time, just make your picture a little bigger.
ReplyDeleteNice post Cheyanne!
ReplyDeleteI like the picture. But maybe make the picture a little bit bigger.