Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Divisibility Rules

Divisibility Rules
#1: All whole numbers are divisible by 1
#2: All numbers that end in 0,2,4,6,8 are divisible by 2
#3:All sums of the digits is divisible by 3
#4: All numbers that can be divided in 2 twice are divisible by 4
#5: All numbers that end in 0 or 5 are divisible by 5
#6: All numbers that are divisible by 2 and 3 are divisible by 6
#8: All numbers that can be divided in 2 thrice are divisible by 8
#9: All sums of the digits are divisible by 9
#10: All numbers that end in 0 are divisible by 10

Example for #1: Whole numbers, no decimals.

Example for #2: The last number has to end in an even number.

Example for #3: e.g. 9+8+3+1+4+2=2+7=9 =983142 is divisibile by 3.

Example for #4: Cut the number in half 2 times. e.g. 200 divided by 2=100 divided by 2=50Yes! = 200 is divisible by 4.

Example for #5: 12345 is divisible by 5 because the last number is 5. 1234567890 is divisible by 5 because the last number is 0. 54321 is notBold divisible by 5 because the last number isn't 5 or 0.

Example for 6: e.g 6+3+9+6+3+9+6=4+2=6, so 6396396 is divisible by by 6.

Example for #8: Cut the number in half 3 times. e.g. 400 divided in 2=200 divided in 2 =100 divided in 2= 50Yes! = 400 is divisible by 8.

Example for 9: e.g. 1+8+9+7+2+3+6=3+6=9 = 9 is divisible by 9.

Example for 10: 12340 is divisible by 10 because the last number is 0. 12345 is not divisible by 10 because the last number isn't 0.


  1. Pretty good Camille! Except, your picture is hard to see.

  2. Good job! I like how you put a lot of effort in it.

  3. Great job, just next time try making your picture easier too see.

  4. Great post, Camille! I agree, next time, just make your picture bigger
