Divisible means when a number can be divided by another number, with no remainder or decimal.
1- All numbers.
2- Numbers that are even, ending with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. (eg. 18, 18÷2=9)
3- Sum of the digits is divisible by 3. (eg. 33, 3+3=6, 6÷3=2)
4- Divisible by 2 twice. (eg. 24, 24÷2= 12, 12÷2=6)
5- Ends with a 0 or 5. (eg. 25, 25÷5=5)
6- Divisible by 2 and 3. (eg. 12, 12÷2=6, 12÷3=4)
8- Divisible by 2, thrice. (eg. 48, 48÷2=24, 24÷2=12, 12÷2=6)
9- Sum of the digits is divisible by 9. (eg. 81, 8+1=9, 9÷9=1)
10- Ends with a 0. (eg. 100, 100÷10=10)
Great job Katherine! I like how you said the rule and then did an example for each of them. I don`t really have anything that you should do next time so great job!